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Energy efficiency in times of Covid-19: Recommendations for urgent actions in energy efficiency

September / 23 / 2020
September / 23 / 2020

We invite you to join the upcoming webinar on the role of Energy Efficiency in economic and social recovery in the time of COVID-19 in Latin America.

The webinar will feature an introduction by the IEA followed by a discussion, with presentations by:

-Edith Bayer, Energy Policy Analyst, International Energy Agency
-Cecilia Nilda Vitto, Dirección Nacional de Generación Eléctrica, Secretaría de Energía, Argentina
-German Alfonso Melo García, Director de Ambiente y Ruralidad, y Jaydy Salazar, Secretaría Distrital de Planeación, City of Bogota
-TBC, Grupo Energía Bogotá

The discussion will be rooted in the ten Recommendations of the Global Commission for Urgent Action on Energy Efficiency released in June 2020, with a particular focus on the top three recommendations:

-Prioritise cross-cutting energy efficiency action for its economic, social and environmental benefits
-Act to unlock efficiency’s job creation potential
-Create greater demand for energy efficiency solutions

Organizer: iea