Webinar Energy Efficiency Market Report 2017
October / 25 / 2017
Paris, France
October / 25 / 2017
Paris, France |
As part of the Energy Efficiency Seminars Program that the International Energy Agency (IEA) coordinates with the Energy Secretariat (Sener), through the General Directorate of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (DGESE), we are pleased to invite you to the next session focused on the publication of the International Energy Agency “Energy Efficiency Market Report 2017”.
The session will be held on October 25th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Mexico City time, UTC – 6 hours) via Webinar from IEA Headquarters in the city of Paris, France.
The conference focuses on the evolution of energy efficiency in different sectors of the economy and examines the progress of investments in energy efficiency, finance and world markets.
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