Workshop National Appropriate Mitigation Actions in the Renewable Energy Sector
July / 22 / 2014
July / 24 / 2014 Place
Montevideo, Uruguay
July / 22 / 2014
July / 24 / 2014 |
Montevideo, Uruguay |
The workshop aimed to deepen the identification, design and implementation of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the renewable energy sector, with emphasis on wind and solar photovoltaic sectors. Also, the workshop recognized the principle activities undertaken by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and other activities, initiatives and support promoted by various international, regional and national agencies.
Organizer: | The Climate Change Agency in Spain, the Learning Centre from Spain Agency, with the support of the National Direction of the Ministry of Environment and the National Direction from the Ministry of Energy in Uruguay, UNEP and its REGATTA project and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). |
Documents: | Presentacion.pdf |
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