The social, green and sustainable bonds (SVS bonds) market in Argentina shows solid growth, summing up a volume equivalent to 1.3 billion dollars.
The Director of the National Securities Commission (CNV) -Matías Isasa- and the head of Corporate Governance and Sustainability of the Argentine Stock Exchange (ByMA) -Julieta Artal Conte- have recently presented at the panel entitled “Green finance: commitment and opportunity”, in a conference on sustainable development organized by a local media. Mr. Isasa argued in favor of increasing the control and supervision standards of SVS issuances in order to avoid cases of greenwashing. After the first steps in the creation of the local labelled debt market, and having currently reached a developed SVS bond market, the Director stated that “the time has come for the regulator to demand, control and show a greater presence in the use of proceeds; ensuring that those resources effectively fund the eligible projects and generate the expected positive impact”.