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Bancóldex Annual Report on Bond Issues
10/06/2021 Since 3 years

Bancóldex has been an ally of entrepreneurs seeking to mitigate the impact of their activities on the environment, and the green bonds were a further step in that direction. It also sends a signal to the financial markets as to the magnitude of the financing needs of this type of investment.

Colombia has set itself an ambitious climate change target. Indeed, the national government announced a 51% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030.

In October, Bancóldex presented the fourth annual report on the results of the green bond placement, in line with the Green Bond Principles established by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).

In this fourth year of development of the financing strategy based on the green bond issued in 2017, Bancóldex presents its progress report for the June 2021 cutoff, highlighting the resilience of green investments to the drop in economic activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.