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BNDES will coordinate a program to decarbonize the automotive sector
10/25/2023 Since 12 months

The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) has signed a Technical Coordination Agreement with the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC) of Brazil to coordinate a program of approximately 40 million dollars over five years with the aim of supporting the industrial and technological development of the automotive sector, enabling the decarbonization of mobility and logistics.

The Federal Government Priority Program “Stimulate the decarbonization of mobility and logistics”, to be coordinated by BNDES, will provide support for research, development, innovation, engineering, studies, testing, pilots, and certification projects that, among other actions, stimulate energy sources, products and processes that minimize the emission of CO2 equivalent. The program will also support studies, assessments, and registry of emission sources in the automotive sector, and testing and certification services related to light and heavy vehicles inspection, in order to maintain their environmental and energy efficiency performance.