The Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services of Brazil has published a resolution that regulates the creation of new program that promotes mobility and decarbonization of the local automotive industry, called the National Green Mobility and Innovation Program (Mover). The Mover program will provide nearly 3.9 billion dollars in credit resources during the period 2024-2028, to companies that will be able to apply those resources to reduce federal taxes in exchange for investments made in R&D and new productive projects. It also creates the National Fund for Industrial and Technological Development (FNDIT), whose resources must be invested in priority programs for the auto-parts sector and other stages in the local automotive value chain.
On the other hand, the President of Brazil has signed a new Decree No. 11,964/24 that regulates the issuance of “infrastructure bonds” and “incentivized bonds”, instruments created by Laws No. 14,801/24 and No. 12,431/11, with the objective of encouraging the execution of essential projects for the country, based on environmental and social commitments. The text establishes criteria for the formulation and monitoring of investment projects in research, development and innovation, considered priorities in the field of infrastructure or intensive production.