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BYMA of Argentina incorporates new social bond in its Sustainable Panel

10/25/2021 Since 3 years

BYMA (Bolsa y Mercados Argentinos SA) incorporated a new Negotiable Obligation of the NGO TECHO labelled as Social in its Panel of Social, Green and Sustainable Bonds (SVS Panel), which will be aimed at the construction of a new social factory. The resources obtained from the placement will be used to meet the costs of the development of the factory, which will be used to offer housing solutions that will mitigate the current habitat conditions. TECHO is a civil organisation that seeks to improve the quality of life of those most in need through the development of housing programmes.

The placement of the bond was over-demanded, with bids received for 40.2 million pesos (approximately 400 thousand dollars) for an issuance of 18 million pesos (180 thousand dollars). The issuer has a “Social” rating, prepared by an external reviewer and is aligned with the four components of the ICMA Social Bond Principles.

With the incorporation of TECHO’s ON, BYMA’s SVS Panel is composed of 2 issuers that have labelled marketable securities as green, 5 as social and 2 as sustainable.