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  5. Genneia places green bonds for 71 million dollars to finance renewable energy projects

Genneia places green bonds for 71 million dollars to finance renewable energy projects

07/13/2023 Since 2 years

Genneia, a renewable energy company in Argentina, has placed three green bonds for a total amount of 71 million dollars, with the aim of financing renewable generation projects such as the La Elbita wind farm (162 MW) under construction in Tandil, province of Buenos Aires, and the photovoltaic solar project Tocota III (60MW), in the province of San Juan.

The placement was oversubscribed by 3.1x the original planned amount of 40 million dollars. Considering the 3 new bonds, Genneia will have 10 green bonds in ByMA’s panel of Social, Green and Sustainable Bonds (SVS). Genneia has issued green bonds for nearly 700 million dollars to date.