Mendoza had a successful placement of green debt
The Province of Mendoza in Argentina issued a green bond (social, green and sustainable) for the extension of the Metrotranvía, Stage III, from Pellegrini to Parador Pueyrredón in Luján de Cuyo, and Stage IV, from Parador Avellaneda in Las Heras to the Airport Station.
On this occasion, it was able to place $4.8 billion at 24 months and at a rate equivalent to BADLAR +5.9%, which will be amortised in 8 quarterly instalments.
This bond represents an important milestone for the Province of Mendoza, as it integrates sustainability, clean and renewable energies and the positive effects on society. Added to this is the importance of the project in itself to boost the transport system of the Greater Mendoza region.
In this operation it also refinanced more than 50% of the Títulos de Deuda 2023 de la Provincia de Mendoza (PMJ23), thus contributing to the improvement of the sustainability of the provincial public debt and the timely execution of the infrastructure works plan.
In this way, the Province obtained medium-term financing for public investment, at very convenient rates, renewing the confidence of institutional investors.