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  5. Mexican FIRA places the first blue bond related to fishing sector

Mexican FIRA places the first blue bond related to fishing sector

12/02/2024 Since 2 months

Fideicomisos Institudos en Relacion con la Agricultura (FIRA) has completed the issuance of the first blue bond related to the fishing sector in the Mexican capital market, for an amount in local currency equivalent to approximately 345 million dollars.

The placements were distributed in 1.5-year, 2.8-year and 6-year terms. The operation was over-subscribed by 2.9 times the original amount requested.

The resources obtained will be channeled to more than 2,000 small and large producers, in activities focused on three sub-sectors: i) aquaculture in earthen ponds or submerged cages in the sea; ii) coastal fishing in lakes and rivers; iii) deep-sea fishing, mainly shrimp, tuna, sardines, among other species.