Mexico’s Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (GAP) issues Certificados Bursátiles for investment in sustainable projects
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (GAP) carried out a placement of Certificados Bursátiles in Mexican pesos for an amount equivalent to approximately 122 million dollars, with BBVA Mexico as placement intermediary (Joint Bookrunner), reaching an oversubscription of 4.7 times the allocated amount. The transaction consisted of two bonds: one, a five-year floating-rate bond with the Green Bond label, placed at the interbank equilibrium rate TIIE + 25 basis points (bps) and a second tranche, a seven-year fixed-rate bond, placed at the Mbono rate + 108 bps (coupon of 8.35%).
This operation was rated mxAAA by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and by Moody’s, and there was extensive participation of investors, such as pension funds, investment funds, money markets, insurance companies and private banks, among others. The funds will be allocated to GAP’s sustainable projects.
The funds will be used to invest in GAP’s sustainable projects aligned with the UN SDGs. These will help GAP achieve its sustainability goals, with a global approach. Among the green investments are: the new Terminal building in Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta under the “Net Zero Energy” concept, the implementation of energy efficiency strategies in the refurbishment of other buildings, the construction of solar systems in 11 of the 12 airports in Mexico (with a decrease in consumption of approximately 20%), installation of solar systems in Los Cabos and Tijuana, self-sufficiency by battery system in Los Cabos, among other projects.