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New CMF guide for regional public development banks: ‘Financing of new digital technologies in the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean’

Published: August 2018
Editor/s: BID
Author/s: BID
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This publication collects relevant information to promote dialogue and debate around policies for financing technologies in the agricultural sector. The objective is to serve as a practical guide for public development banks when defining and justifying lines of action, programs and interventions for financing the development and adoption of new digital technologies (NTD) in the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. The opportunities and challenges of supporting the financing of technological change are addressed, and therefore the sectoral productivity improvement. Nowadays, the range of available technologies, resulting from the digitalization of the economy, has opened new opportunities for investment in agriculture. At the same time, criteria for the selection and debate of support instruments are established and the elements that should be taken into account in their design are highlighted, in order to favor dialogue with Latin America and the Caribbean countries. The analysis adopts a double view: from the perspective of financing the agricultural and livestock production sector as adopter of technologies and from the perspective of financing and supporting the innovation sector as a developer of value proposals adapted to the characteristics of the regional agricultural sector.