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Chile’s Energy Efficiency Law was approved
01/05/2021 Since 4 years

The Energy Efficiency Law aims to make rational and efficient use of resources. It covers the three sectors that account for most of the country’s energy consumption: transport (37%); industry and mining (40%) and the residential, public and commercial sector (23%). This law allows progress to be made on the path to sustainability, improving people’s quality of life, contributing to a cleaner environment and increasing companies’ productivity. Among the terms of the law, it is established that new homes will have an energy efficiency label, informing the energy costs of the building. This will allow people to have better information when renting or buying homes. In addition, and in order to promote a more efficient and clean use of energy in transport, it grants the authority to establish energy efficiency standards for vehicles. This will enable cleaner, quieter cities with a better quality of life. If the measures contained in the law are adequately implemented by 2030, the government estimates a reduction in energy intensity of 10%, accumulated savings of US$15.2 billion and a reduction of 28.6 million tons of CO2. This is equivalent to avoiding the annual travel of 15.8 million light vehicles or the annual absorption of 1.8 million hectares of native forest.
The law establishes 8 thematic and action areas:

• Institutionalization of energy efficiency: preparation of a 5-year energy efficiency plan
• Energy management of large consumers
• Energy rating of buildings
• Efficiency standards for vehicles
• Energy management in the public sector
• Interoperability for electric vehicles
• Accelerated depreciation for vehicles
• Hydrogen regulation