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  5. Chilean Enaex places a corporate sustainability-linked bond
Chilean Enaex places a corporate sustainability-linked bond
09/07/2023 Since 11 months

Enaex Chile, a local subsidiary from the Sigdo Koppers Group in the mining sector, has announced the first issuance in the local market of a Sustainability-Linked Bond (SLB) for an amount equivalent to 102 million dollars.

The placement was over-subscribed by 1.5x the amount finally issued, mainly by institutional investors. The bond has a 12-year term with an interest rate of 3.86% annually.

The SLB bond issuance requires the fulfillment of specific emissions reduction goals, aligned to Enaex’s sustainability strategy. The verification of these goals will be performed through a Second Party Opinion (“SPO”) that will be prepared by Sustainable Fitch after the annual emissions certification by SGS Chile.