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  5. BNDES starts operating a new guarantee program for MSMEs companies with a focus on energy efficiency
BNDES starts operating a new guarantee program for MSMEs companies with a focus on energy efficiency
08/31/2022 Since 2 years

By the end of August 2022, the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) authorized 6 financial institutions -ABC Brasil, BTG Pactual, Banrisul, Safra, Votorantim and Cresol- to operate with resources from the Energy Efficiency Guarantee Fund (FGEnergia).

It is estimated that the initiative will reach more than 60 million dollars in credits, supported by approximately 8 million dollars of resources from the National Electricity Conservation Program (Procel). The FGEnergia Program is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), which can access a guarantee of 80% of the financing value of energy efficiency projects, at a cost of 1% of the guaranteed amount.

Some examples of energy efficiency projects include lighting, refrigeration, heating, air conditioning, replacement of motors and retrofit of furnaces and boilers.