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ISSB delivers further harmonisation of the sustainability disclosure landscape
06/24/2024 Since 1 month

During the IFRS Foundation Conference at the end of June 2024, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) -founded in November 2021 at COP26- published a “Feedback Statement” to its “Request for Information” (from May-Nov 2023 with 433 responses from a broad range of stakeholders throughout all regions.) and its 2024–2026 work plan.
During the next two years, the ISSB will deliver further harmonisation and consolidation of the disclosure landscape in response to market demand.

• The ISSB agreed that supporting consistent and high-quality implementation of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 by companies in jurisdictions around the world should be its highest priority.

• ISSB decided to add to its work plan research projects on risks and opportunities associated with: biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services (BEES); and human capital.

• Industry-based disclosures will be an important consideration for research projects. Enhancing the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards will serve as a helpful starting point for considering both industry-based and thematic approaches to building on the requirements in IFRS S1.

• Connectivity, Stakeholder engagement and Interoperability will continue to be ISSB’s core activities.

• Regarding Connectivity, the plan seeks to ensure that ISSB requirements and those of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), work well together and provide a comprehensive package of information for investors.

• It will work with other jurisdictional and voluntary sustainability standard-setters to enhance interoperability between standards and to reduce fragmentation and duplication in reporting, deepening its collaboration with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)