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Proposed roadmap for distributed generation with renewable sources in conjunction with private financial institutions and development banks

Published: March 2021
Editor/s: Lishey Lavariega, Adalberto Padilla, Diana Rebollar
Author/s: Financial Innovation Laboratory (LAB)
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The Energy Efficiency and Distributed Generation Working Group of the Laboratory for Financial Innovation (LAB) in Mexico, a joint project of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM) and the Green Finance Advisory Council (CCFV), and in strategic alliance with the German Agency for Sustainable Development Cooperation in Mexico (GIZ), and with the participation of Nacional Financiera S.N.C. (NAFIN), carried out a participatory process with key stakeholders to propose a roadmap to facilitate the development of distributed generation with renewable energy sources, bringing together the participation of integrators, commercial banks, non-bank financial institutions, as well as development banks.

The process includes workshops and dialogue meetings with various actors in the Distributed Generation (DG) market and financing. It is then complemented by a review of references and literature in order to document the data with greater accuracy.

The paper describes existing programmes and models in the country, as well as some successful models in other countries. Based on the analysis of stakeholder dialogues, it presents four areas of opportunities for the development of DG financing models in Mexico: 1) Refinancing of DG portfolios; 2) Establishment of a revolving credit line for financial intermediaries; 3) Property-assessed DG financing; 4) Modifications of C-solar to include the participation of non-bank financial institutions. Through the literature review and input from participants, design criteria for prioritising and structuring DG financing activities are identified.

To conclude, the study proposes steps to follow for the execution of a roadmap for the design and implementation of a programme of activities to deploy DG financing with renewable energy sources. It also sets out a plan for measuring and evaluating the impact of the financing programme and a proposal for indicators.