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BNDES receives new resources to finance projects through the Climate Fund Program
08/16/2022 Since 2 years

The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) of Brazil has received new resources, for an amount in local currency equivalent to approximately 86 million dollars, in order to finance, through the Climate Fund Program, projects that contribute to mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The Climate Fund Program aims to apply reimbursable resources from the National Climate Change Fund (FNMC), created by Law 12,114 of 2009. The Climate Fund is one of the instruments of the National Climate Change Policy and constitutes an accounting fund, linked to the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) with the purpose of guaranteeing resources to support projects or studies and financing of startups that aim at mitigation of climate change. It consists of nine subprograms: Urban Mobility; Sustainable Cities and Climate Change; Efficient Machinery and Equipment; Renewable energy; Solid waste; Charcoal; Native Forests; Carbon Management and Services; and Innovative Projects.