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  5. IDB Invest issues blue bond to finance water projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
IDB Invest issues blue bond to finance water projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
11/18/2022 Since 2 years

IDB Invest has issued a blue bond for an amount in Australian dollars equivalent to about 28.5 million (US) dollars for a term of 20 years maturing in November 2042. This is IDB Invest’s third blue bond under its Sustainable Debt Framework.

The proceeds will be used to finance private sector projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal of “Clean Water and Sanitation”, and promote the sustainable use of water resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, as well as ocean conservation.

T&D Financial Life Insurance Company, a Japanese insurance company, was the sole investor in the bond. This bond expands IDB Invest’s series of green and blue bonds previously issued to Japanese life insurance companies.