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Argentina’s BYMA launches sustainability-linked bond panel
02/09/2022 Since 2 years

Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos (BYMA) presented the first Sustainability Linked Bonds (VS) Panel in Argentina. It is made up of Negotiable Obligations (ON) and Public Securities. The objective is to promote sustainable finance at the local level and contribute to the objectives of the Paris Agreement and sustainable development.

For the issuance of bonds, sustainability performance targets (SPTs), the key performance indicators (KPIs) against which they will be assessed, the potential changes in the financial and/or structural characteristics of the VS Bond and the triggering events leading to them will be defined. Issuers of this type of bonds must comply with the requirements set out in the Listing Rules and, additionally, with the requirements set out in the VS Bond Regulations. An External Review must be in place to confirm the alignment of the bond with the ICMA Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles.

During the life of the bond the issuer shall submit to BYMA for dissemination a report on the performance of the KPIs against each SPT target. This information must be independently externally verified. BYMA will give visibility to the VS Bonds in a specific Panel and, subsequently, they may be traded in the same systems that the Market provides for the trading of the different marketable securities.