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BNDES approves the first operation of the ESG Credit Programme
02/09/2022 Since 2 years

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) has approved the first operation within the scope of the BNDES ASG Credit. The financial support, in the amount of R$ 110 million, will be granted to LIASA – Ligas de Alumínio S.A., a Brazilian company in the metallurgical sector, and will be used to implement its investment plan, which foresees the technological adaptation of the furnaces used in its industrial park, with the introduction of new dedusting filters, which will bring significant gains in productivity and competitiveness, reducing polluting gas emissions in the production of silicon.

Through the operation, the company signed a commitment with the BNDES to comply with three obligations within a period of up to two years: the presentation and publication on the website of its Socio-environmental Responsibility Policy, the inclusion of priority focuses on Education and Diversity in its Social Investment Policy and the presentation of its Sustainability Report.

The BNDES’ ESG Credit program, launched in August 2021, follows the innovative concept of a linked loan, offering more attractive financial conditions to clients that prove the improvement of indicators during the term of the operation, in order to stimulate the adoption of more efficient and sustainable business practices in environmental, social and governance aspects.