IDB Invest Investor Presentation 2023
04/03/2024 Since 10 months
IDB Invest, the private sector institution of the IDB Group, has released its Investor Presentation covering year 2023 activities and highlights.
The document describes IDB Invest’s financial profile and risk management framework, its funding program, its approach to sustainability and finally its sustainability debt framework. It also analyses several case studies, including Elcatex building a more inclusive textile supply chain in Honduras; Klabin bolstering the productivity and sustainability of the pulp and paper industry in Brazil; and JMMB Bank increasing access to finance for Jamaican SMEs.
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and their support to investment certainty for Economic Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean
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Just Transition Finance Tool for banking and investing activities
The International Labour Organization (ILO), in collaboration with the Grantham Research Institute of the London School of Economics (LSE), has published a “Just Transition Finance Tool for banking and Investment acti...
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BIOFIN promotes biodiversity credits and state financing
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