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Brazilian new Climate Fund approves resources for sustainable development
03/15/2024 Since 4 months

The Management Committee of the National Climate Change Fund (Climate Fund) has approved new rules for financing projects that promote sustainable development in the country, making available resources for an amount in local currency equivalent to 2.1 billion dollars for projects, studies and start-ups aimed at combating climate change.

The initiative provides resources in two modalities: reimbursable, managed by BNDES, and non-reimbursable, operated by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA). Part of these resources were raised in 2023 through the issuance of the first sustainable sovereign bonds.

The resources will finance projects from the public sector, private companies and the third sector in six priority areas: i) Resilient and Sustainable Urban Development; ii) Green Industry; iii) Transportation Logistics, Public Transportation and Green Mobility; iv) Energy Transition (solar, wind, and biomass generation, energy efficiency, among others); v) Native Forests and Water Resources; and vi) Green Services and Innovation.