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CABEI and KFW promote Sustainable Urban Mobility Program in Central America
03/07/2023 Since 2 years

Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the German Financial Cooperation, through the Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) bank, joined forces to promote together the “Sustainable Urban Mobility Program in Central America” that will finance energy-efficient transportation infrastructure and the acquisition of higher technology vehicles.

The agreement includes a non-reimbursable cooperation for 2 million euros, which will strengthen the preparation and evaluation of projects that allow the creation of a portfolio in the sector. Additionally, it seeks to develop institutional training actions that facilitate the generation of knowledge and tools for the formulation of sustainable mobility initiatives and projects in the region.

Moreover, the KfW bank will subsequently grant a loan for up to 130 million euros, which aims to provide financing resources to implement sustainable, accessible and safe multimodal transportation projects, and that at the same time contribute to energy efficiency improvements and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.