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Chile advances in the implementation of the Green Tax Emissions Compensation System
01/02/2024 Since 7 months

The Ministry of the Environment (MMA) of Chile advances in two important milestones for the operation of the Green Tax Emissions Compensation System (SCE, by its acronym in Spanish). The SCE is an innovative environmental management system that will operate through certificates from emissions reduction or absorption projects, mobilizing resources towards carbon-neutrality and also improving air quality.

The first milestone achieved is the promulgation of MMA’s Exempt Resolution No. 1420/2023, which recognizes “External Certification Programs”, including their verifying entities and validating their methodologies. The programs that will be partially accepted are the following: i) “Clean Development Mechanism” from the United Nations, ii) “Verified Carbon Standard” from Verra, and iii) “Gold Standard for the Global Goals” from the Gold Standard Foundation.

The second major milestone is enabling the platform for project presentation and application certification. This solution will allow to manage the projects participating in the SCE, simplifying access through the Single Window system of the Emissions and Pollutant Transfer Registry (RETC).