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Chile publishes its Electromobility Roadmap
08/01/2023 Since 12 months

The Government of Chile, through the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Energy, has published the Roadmap for the advancement of electromobility in Chile, with defined actions by 2026 to expand the use of this technology, in line with its carbon neutrality goal by 2050.

The 2024-2026 Roadmap is aligned with the National Electromobility Strategy, which establishes the goal that by year 2035 100% of new light and medium-sized vehicles sales are zero emissions, as well as 100% of public transport sales and 100% of machinery sales. Moreover, it is proposed that by year 2050, 40% of total private vehicles will be zero emissions, in addition to 100% of public transport (taxis and buses).

The document defines priority measures classified into five axes: i) promotion of charging infrastructure; ii) education and training; iii) road safety; iv) public transportation and decentralization; v) regulation (both regulatory and legal).