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Ecuador presented its Roadmap and Strategy for the Production of Green Hydrogen

07/19/2023 Since 1 year

The Ministry of Energy and Mines of Ecuador has presented the Roadmap and the National Strategy for the production of Green Hydrogen in Ecuador. The green hydrogen roadmap of Ecuador is aligned with the “fair energy transition” framework that allows a 20-25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025, and thus contributes to limiting global warming to less than 1.5°C; turning H2V into a competitive energy source.

The roadmap proposes a development in three phases: 1) Initial phase until 2025; 2) Medium-term deployment phase until 2030; 3) Long-term launch phase beyond 2030. Green hydrogen flexibility allows it to be used as fuel for transportation and power plants, in industry, feedstock for fertilizers, refineries, plastics, metallurgical products, food, steel, glass and a potential export product. It is estimated that large-scale green hydrogen production in Ecuador would require to double the installed capacity of electricity generation by 2030 and increase it by a factor i a range from 4x to 7x by 2050.

The study was carried out by German Fichtner Consulting firm, financed through a Non-Reimbursable Cooperation from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for an amount of 95,000 dollars.