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  5. IDB Invest launches innovative financing program with Namu to support MSMEs in tourism

IDB Invest launches innovative financing program with Namu to support MSMEs in tourism

11/16/2023 Since 1 year

Namu Travel Group, one of the main luxury travel agencies in Central America and the Caribbean, partnered with IDB Invest to launch a revolving loan with the objective to support the working capital needs of local tourism companies, most of which are micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

IDB Invest’s 5-million dollars financing will support Namu’s value chain through its “Advance Payment Program”, which will allow it to obtain credits for pre-purchased hotel room nights and services provided by tour operators and ground transportation companies. This alternative source of short-term financing will provide the liquidity these companies need, which in turn should allow them to improve their product and service offering and enhance their overall competitiveness.

Additionally, IDB Invest will provide advisory services to help Namu define sustainability indicators to assess those companies within its supplier network that demonstrate the highest environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. Namu will also obtain financial incentives to further encourage companies to adopt stronger sustainability measures.