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MDBs announce common principles to track nature-related finance

12/09/2023 Since 1 year

In response to the commitment made by the Multilateral Development Banks (MDB) two years ago at COP26 through the Joint Statement on Nature, People and the Planet, this current year during COP28, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and other MDBs have published a series of common principles to track the financing of nature-positive activities.

“Nature-positive finance” is defined as that financing that supports, or enables, actions that protect, restore, or enhance the sustainable use and management of nature, contributing to the implementation of the Global Framework for Biodiversity.

The principles establish eligibility, selection, and tracking criteria for nature-positive financing. Financing instruments include investment loans, policy-based financing, results-based financing instruments, equity investments, MDB assistance to clients in the development of sustainable or thematic bonds, guarantees, credit lines, advisory services and subsidies, among others.

Furthermore, also during COP 28, the IDB has committed to triplicate its climate financing to 150 billion dollars over the next ten years.