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  5. Ministry of Finance of Chile completes placement of the first sustainable bond in pesos
Ministry of Finance of Chile completes placement of the first sustainable bond in pesos
10/20/2022 Since 2 years

The Ministry of Finance from Chile issued its first sustainable bond in local currency (Chilean pesos), maturing in year 2034, for a total of 1 trillion pesos, equivalent to approximately 1,000 million dollars. The transaction reached a maximum demand of 3.5 times the amount awarded, achieving an interest rate of 6.95%, 30 base points less than the reference price.

Considering the above-mentioned placement, Chile holds an ESG debt stock of around 31.7 billion dollars, which represents 31% of the total central government debt. Said ESG debt stock is made up of 51% in social instruments, 22% in green instruments, 20% in sustainable instruments and 6% in instruments linked to sustainability (SLB).