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  5. NGO ICM presents roadmap for Mexico to achieve net zero emissions by 2060
NGO ICM presents roadmap for Mexico to achieve net zero emissions by 2060
11/08/2023 Since 8 months

The NGO Mexican Climate Initiative (ICM by its initials in Spanish) has presented its “Net Zero Emissions Roadmap for Mexico 2060 from Civil Society” (RENC-SC) report, which proposes a possible decarbonization pathway where zero emissions are achieved in Mexico by the year 2060.

The RENC-SC study incorporates in its first section of the pathway (period 2024-2030), an update of the actions and policies published by ICM in its NDC-SC report from year 2022. The RENC-SC complements, updates and expands the NDC-SC sectoral roadmaps with a time horizon beyond 2030, proposing a mitigation scenario for 2060, in addition to the unconditional and conditional emissions reduction scenarios for 2030.

The RENC-SC roadmap proposes the implementation of 139 measures in the transport, industry, oil and gas, electricity, energy efficiency, AFOLU and waste sectors, with a total mitigation potential of one billion tons of CO2e by 2060, which require an estimated total investment of 6.2 trillion between 2023 and 2060 (average investment of 167 billion dollars annually). According to ICM, this investment translates into benefits amounting to 11.0 trillion dollars during the same period (296 billion dollars annually), equivalent to 1.8x greater than the estimated investment. Among the initiatives, ICM recommends increasing renewable energy capacity from 30GW in 2021 to 240GW by 2060, out of which 82GW would come from wind energy and 63GW from solar energy.