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The First Regional Dialogue of Exchanges of Experiences and Good Practices of Thematic Emissions in Countries of the Region comes to an end
03/27/2023 Since 1 year

The First Regional Dialogue of Exchanges of Experiences and Good Practices on Thematic Emissions in Countries of the Region, which took place from 21 to 23 March in Mexico City, has successfully concluded.

The dialogue took place as part of the activities contemplated by the working group “Debt Management and Green Finance”, led by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico (SHCP), which is one of the working groups established after the creation in August 2022 of the Regional Platform on Climate Change of Ministries of Finance, Economy and Finance. It was supported by the Ministry of Finance of the Dominican Republic, as Pro Tempore Presidency, and the Inter-American Development Bank, as Technical Secretariat of the Platform.

The objective of the event was to provide a space to boost knowledge, support the exchange of experiences and good practices, seeking the promotion of public-private financial instruments, and other initiatives aimed at promoting green and sustainable finance in the LAC region. In particular, the promotion of the green and sustainable bond agenda in the region.

The first regional dialogue was attended by delegations from 11 countries in the region, benefiting the dialogue with sovereigns and promoting the thematic bond and green finance agenda.

During the event, the Government of Mexico’s Sustainable Finance Strategy was presented. The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit highlighted three main messages aimed at strengthening the institutionalisation of thematic bond issuance. Firstly, it highlighted the need to work with the institutional scaffolding that each country has. Secondly, the creation of strategic partnerships was emphasised. It is important that public officials leading these efforts establish synergies with key institutions and actors. Finally, the importance of transparency in all thematic issues was highlighted. The Ministry of Finance has published several reports on the allocation and impact of bonds, which adds value to these issues.