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Climate action and the Paris Agreement: the role of cities in Latin America and the Caribbean
Published: April 2023
Editor/s: IDB
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The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) published an article that highlights the relevance of translating and adapting global and national climate objectives to local contexts and needs in a collaborative manner. It also provides recommendations for moving towards localizing climate initiatives in cities and improving capacities for multi-level climate governance in a local context.

The publication seeks to show the potential of cities to lead transformative climate action in light of the main climate change challenges, the profile of greenhouse gas emissions in the region and the climate commitments assumed at the national and local scale. It evaluates the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of the countries of the region and the climate action plans of the cities, providing a pragmatic approach to convert the global objectives of the Paris Agreement into implementable actions at all scales.

Finally, it makes visible more than 20 climate solutions led by cities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), which sets precedents and offers ideas and experiences so that more cities contribute with the necessary climate action. These case studies emphasize the ability of subnational governments and mayors to be agents of change and demonstrate that reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and building resilience are not only possible but are often accompanied by socioeconomic benefits that contribute to a better quality of life for citizens.