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  5. Integrating the UN SDGs into investment: from aspiration to practice
Integrating the UN SDGs into investment: from aspiration to practice
March / 29 / 2023
March / 29 / 2023

How should investors think about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across asset allocation, portfolio management, risk analysis, and stewardship and engagement? Can they make a positive contribution to the realisation of the goals and if so, how? How can they ensure alignment with the global goals across different asset classes given the paucity of high-quality data? What emerging tools and datasets could support the integration of SDGs into investment decisions? What are the pros and cons of these different approaches and do they shed light on the future capabilities that might emerge for investors? And finally, what role, if any, do financial regulators have to play in supporting the adoption of SDG-aligned practices in investment? Leading international experts will explore these topics followed by a networking reception.

Organizer: University of Oxford, together with the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and ClientEarth