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Cemex updates its Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework
08/14/2023 Since 1 year

Cemex, a leading global company in the production and sale of cement, concrete, aggregates and other construction materials, had presented its Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework in year 2021, which aligned Cemex’s financial strategy with its corporate commitments to sustainability, and established the principles that Cemex will follow when issuing new financing instruments linked to sustainability, including bonds, private placements, credits, derivatives, working capital solutions and other financing instruments.

Cemex has recently updated its Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework to align with its more ambitious 2030 decarbonization goals, particularly with more aggressive scope 1 and 2 reductions in cement production. In addition, the update is linked to reducing Cemex’s 2030 clinker factor and increasing the use of alternative fuels with high biomass content. The new goals have been validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for alignment under their 1.5°C scenario. The update was also granted with a favorable Second Party opinion issued by Sustainalytics.