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Desarrollos Hidráulicos de Cancun issues its first blue bond

01/19/2023 Since 2 years

Desarrollos Hidráulicos de Cancún (DHC, also known as Aguakan), a water and sanitation company in the state of Quintana Roo in Mexico, has completed its first issuance of a blue bond for an amount in local currency equivalent to about 74 million dollars. It is also the first issuance of this type in the Mexican market.

The placement was made in a single tranche at a variable rate, with a 3.5-years term, and achieved a HR AA+ HR Ratings I AA+(mex) credit rating from Fitch Ratings. It was also granted with a favorable Second Party Opinion from HR Ratings.

The proceeds will finance projects that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) number 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and 9 (Resilient Infrastructure).