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New sectors added to Moody’s ESG Credit Impact Scores
07/15/2022 Since 2 years

Moody’s Investors Service (credit rating agency) has expanded its environmental, social and governance (ESG) Issuer Profile Scores and Credit Impact Scores to cover three additional sectors: Healthcare Services, Protein & Agriculture, and Surface Transportation & Logistics.

Credit Impact Score (CIS) is an output of the rating process that indicates the extent, if any, to which ESG factors impact the rating of an issuer or transaction. Meanwhile, Issuer Profile Scores (IPS) are issuer-specific scores that assess an entity’s exposure to the categories of risks in the ESG classification from a credit perspective. IPSs, where available, are inputs to credit ratings.

Moody’s initially launched the scores in January 2021, initially focusing on sovereign issuers, and has expanded its coverage over the several months. Moody’s announced that will continue to roll out to more sectors throughout the rest of year 2022.