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Argentina announces bill to promote hydrogen development

05/18/2023 Since 2 years

During the Global Green Hydrogen Forum 2023, the Secretariat of Energy of Argentina has announced a bill to promote the development of hydrogen, considering hydrogen as a structural aspect in the Argentinean energy matrix transition.

The project contemplates different types of hydrogen such as: i) blue hydrogen from gas with carbon capture, ii) green hydrogen from renewable sources, and iii) pink hydrogen from the know-how already acquired by Argentina in nuclear matters. Key components and activities of the project include certification at origin (with the creation of institutions that verify the origin of production, to develop local value chains), monitoring of emission standards, with tax benefits and a differential regime that rewards the green hydrogen over blue hydrogen.

Additionally, the project will incorporate several tax benefits like fiscal stability for 30 years, access to the free exchange market, accelerated amortization of income tax, financial benefits, incremental and differentiated export duties according to each type of project.