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  5. Chile issues US$4 billion in sustainable foreign currency bonds
Chile issues US$4 billion in sustainable foreign currency bonds
01/28/2022 Since 2 years

As part of the financing plan for 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued Treasury bonds in the international markets for a total of US$4 billion. These issues were executed in one operation in the global market corresponding to 3 bonds in USD with maturities of 5, 12 and 30 years, all new sustainable bonds, i.e. whose resources finance both green and social projects, as established by Chile’s Sustainable Bond Framework.

The operation reaffirms Chile’s leadership in the thematic bond market, being the first country in the Americas to issue green bonds in 2019 and, since 2020, also expanding the set of debt instruments with the issuance of social bonds and sustainable bonds. Considering this operation, the equivalent of approximately US$ 31 billion in thematic bonds have been issued since 2019, of which US$ 17.8 billion are social bonds, US$ 7.7 billion are green bonds, and US$ 5.5 billion are sustainable bonds. Thus, thematic bonds represent 28.3% of the stock of central government debt, which is among the largest in the world.

The new issuance of sustainable bonds by the Ministry of Finance is in line with the portfolio’s efforts in recent years to further diversify the Treasury bond investor base.

The operation received a total demand, from 654 orders, of US$ 19.7 billion, or 4.9 times the amount allotted.

These bonds have the characteristic of being “sustainable” as defined in the Sustainable Bond Framework (Framework) published by the Ministry of Finance in November 2020. The Framework establishes the rules for issuing green, social, and sustainable bonds, according to the standards developed by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).